Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Shop Local: Peterson's Sawmill

Mom and I were running over to Gainesville recently to go to the Bookstore.  We passed Paw-Paws.  It was an early Saturday afternoon, and a man had set up a display of all of his wood-working.  Now, I'm not sure that I have ever mentioned this before...but both Mom and I are suckers for some cedar wood furnishings.  He had this beautiful cedar box on display that Mom had noticed as we passed.  Well, it didn't take her long to do a U-turn and head back to the man and his display.

He had such beautiful items for sale!  There were tables and shelves and chests.  The craftsmanship was incredible!

If you are looking for something handmade and wooden, seek no longer, Peterson's Sawmill has got you covered.  Give him a call at 352-507-3500.

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