Sunday, November 11, 2018

Shop Local: Kieran Bryan with Premier Designs

Kieran Bryan
What is your favorite Christmas dish?
It's actually something we have at Thanksgiving and Christmas every year, Gran's cornbread dressing, sweet potato casserole, and crack potatoes. All those just scream "holiday" to me.

Tell me a little about you and your business.
Premier was a leap of faith for me. My sister was moving away, and she was the one that kept me from being a hermit. I needed something to make me get out of the house. But, oh, has it become SO much more. I've gained a family of amazing women (and their families) that will pray for me and lift me up. I've learned about foster care, and the servants hearts of these women. I've used my business to show GCSO how much this community loves and supports them. Oh, my feels...I'm tearing up now...
Premier is SO much more than just shiny, pretty jewelry. It's family.

What are the services you offer?
Online shopping from the comfort of your couch, home shows with you and your friends, style consulting to help match jewelry to outfits.

In speaking of your business, what are some suggestions for those who may not know what to get their loved ones?
I love, Love, LOVE that Premier has come out with their Engrave-Me collection. I can get something with MY name on it!!! Or you can personalize it with special dates, initials, whatever you want! How great is that?!?

What is the best way to contact you?
FB messenger, email or text 352-213-7218. My website is:

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