Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Shop Local: The Gilchrist County Journal

Those of you that either know me, or have been reading my blog for any time at all, will know that I have a deep love of the Trenton area. My heart has been in Trenton for a long time.

To give a bit of back story, I started my working years at Hitchcock’s in Trenton. I was 18 and “didn’t know nothin’ about life.” I was there for a year and a half. It was at Hitchcock’s that I grew to love the people in Trenton. Even with some eccentrics, you could search the world over and not find people with bigger hearts than in Trenton. Of this, I am convinced.

Then, I started working at the Gilchrist County Journal. While I already had a deep love of the people in Trenton, working at the Journal gave me a sense of community. From this, I’ve never recovered.

Now, I have loved all of my jobs for various reasons. Each had their downfalls of course, but I have loved a little something about every single one of them. But if I had to choose a favorite? Without a shadow of a doubt, I would say the Journal. I loved what I did. I loved being creative. But, it was more than that...

Working at the Journal meant getting to see Mr. John get plum tickled over something. It meant getting to hear about the latest South Park episode or gaming expedition from Chris. It meant getting to hear about my “Journal Babies” latest adventure from Carrie. It meant getting to sit and listen to one of Mrs. Cindy Jo’s favorite memories about her Shannie.

I dearly love these people.  They were far more to me than coworkers.  They were, and are, family.

Well, now, I’ve gone and gotten all sentimental and off-topic.

Sometimes we fail to realize that a business actually does more than one thing. Like, the Journal. You probably think: “It makes up the weekly newspaper and distributes it.” Well, that IS true. However, the Journal does much more than that.

The Journal also makes customs signs and banners. They can make custom 911 or home signs. They make vinyl decals for cars. They make custom vanity plates. They make business cards, notepads, stationary....and if you sweet talk ol’ Chris, you may can even get him to make customized Recipe cards (raises hand, I’ve done it).

If you’re a true Southern you know what this means? Monogrammed EVERYTHING.

Keep them in mind this Christmas season!

1 comment:

  1. Love this and love the people at the Journal - the very finest people you will ever meet.
