Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Shop Local: Bella Tan and Nails

I know it may surprise a few people, given that I'm a girly girl.  But having my hair done is not my "thing."  I enjoy it...but it's not my favorite.  My one luxury that I afford myself is having my toes done.

I go nearly every three weeks, and have been going for nearly the past 5 years, to Bella Tan and Nails.  I'll be 100% honest with you, I get horrible ingrowns and would be crippled if I didn't go every three weeks.  Thank you, genetics!  Lol.  Mrs. Val and Haitrieu are lifesavers!

Not only do they get me out of pain, but they give me such pretty toes!  They're always willing to try new designs or will help me when I can't think of one.  

These sweet ladies, and now Maria, have become like family to me.  If you know that your loved one would like a pedicure, think about getting them a gift card to Bella this Christmas!

Aleta's Note:  It's funny looking over photos of my's a progression of the foot tattoo.

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