Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Thoughtful Tuesday

Image found on getchorus.com
Writing is not a science. And many times its an emotion-driven practice. Some days I can type 3,000 words easily, and some days, it's a struggle to string a sentence together. Or, at least, that's been my experience.

My aunt told me once that my cousin sets aside time every single day to write. It has become part of her routine, and she is very disciplined about it.

I've mentioned before that I struggle with follow through.

I started in the middle of January, trying to write every day and have a post every day. When I did one full month, I was so proud. Then the two month mark came. Then the 100 day mark. And now, we're coming up on the six month mark. I am extremely proud that I've been able to post every single day for nearly six months. I haven't come by that easily.

In fact, the last month I have struggled immensely to write. Some days I feel like I can find something easily to write about, and then other days I feel like I'm grasping at straws.

Thank you to those of you who have religiously read my posts. I hope to have some new interviews to post here shortly. And with summer in full throttle, there will surely be some new fodder on the horizon.

Here's to keeping on...

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