Monday, June 5, 2017

Mama Says Monday

A lot has gone on this week. I started out last week being ill. That was a real bummer....So,  I didn’t get to write a post last week for Aleta. I guess I can look at it as a break, but that’s not the kind of break that I like. 

As I’ve mentioned several times before, I count myself a success as a mother when I can see that I’ve raised children who are productive, responsible adults. I’ve always tried to instill in them that for every decision they make, there are consequences; therefore make wise decisions. We laugh as we start every week saying “But I don’t want to be a productive citizen today” or “do we really have to adult today?”

As a parent, when children are small, we point out the consequences of their actions, such as “Don’t touch the oven, it’s hot and you will burn your fingers.” Then, as they get a little older “You must behave in school, or you will be sent to the principal’s office.” Simple examples, but you get the point. We all do this so that they make good decisions, hopefully with good results. But when they get to the teen years, sometimes they have to learn that there are consequences for sometimes being at the wrong place at the wrong time, even if you aren’t in the wrong. Then there are the difficult lessons that sometimes even good decisions and good intentions have bad results. But regardless, you have to take responsibility for your actions. 
This week I see a really good example of a woman who never learned there will be consequences to your actions. Kathy Griffin does not live in the very real world that I live in. Bad things happen to you even when you make good decisions sometimes. People have gotten fired for making little mistakes, like not documenting things properly. Little things, that don’t sound like much to some people, like sending a medical document to a wrong #, can be a very big thing. But in the real world that I live in, there are consequences. And we are held accountable for our mistakes or decisions. Apparently, those rules aren’t suppose to apply to those in Hollywood. When we do the deed we don’t want to own it, and it certainly isn’t suppose to have consequences. Grow up, and act like an adult!

Rant over, nuff said!

Until next week,
Cynthia Kay

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