Saturday, March 4, 2017

Unsolicitied Advice Saturday :)

I’m going to do something that my college Creative Writing professor warned us about…this will be a bit of a preachy post. Though, there will be no Bible beating... 

I want to pass on some lessons.  Yes, many are cliché.  Yes, many we've all heard before.  But after middle school comes high school, and after high school comes college, and after college comes adulthood...and no matter the setting you're in, no matter the age, I'm almost certain you're still dealing with some of this.   As I sit writing this, I am reminded that I, too, needed to be reminded of these things. 

So, here are some trusty words that I’d like to pass along:

There are some people who will want to make everything a competition. Being probably one of the least competitive people you will ever meet…and living in a dog-eat-dog world, it’s not always been easy. It is a wonderful thing to have a competitive spirit. Just realize that what you are doing in your life is not always directly comparable to someone else’s.

Which leads me to…don’t compare yourself to everyone else. You are not everyone else. You have lived a different life, with different circumstances, all of which has made you uniquely you.

There will be some people out there who, no matter what you do in life, no matter how great you are, no matter your wonderful talents, will not pay you a compliment. Just remember, that has more to do with them than with you. Don’t let that shatter your confidence. Some people feel like paying others a compliment is in some way lessening the ground they are standing on. Again, I reiterate, it has everything to do with them, not with you.

Be bold. In everything you do, be bold. Never be afraid to be passionate, or to stand up for something you believe.

Never be apologetic for having a soft heart.  It is a wonderful thing to be tender.  It is okay to be sensitive. In fact, these days, when it is praised to be stoic, or unfeeling…it’s quite courageous to have a soft heart. Relish in that.

Stay weird. I feel like the truer you are to yourself, the more effective you are at reaching people. You’re more genuine, and more relatable.

Not everyone will like what you do. Fortunately, it’s not their life to live. You ultimately have to do what is best for you, what makes you happy, and what will let you sleep at night. Along with this, your goal needs to be to live a life where you don’t have too many “what ifs.”

In this life, not everyone will like you, and that’s okay. It might not be anything you’ve done, that has caused a riff or what have you, they may just simply not like you. You will find people that you feel this way about too. Sometimes you will just simply be too much for some people. Be the best person you can be, and treat others with respect. This is very cliché, but handle everything that you yourself have control over, and let everything else go.

Know your worth, and never let someone make you feel as if you’re less. Your parents weren’t door mat makers.

And that’s about all the wisdom I can muster today, y’all.

Stay strong. Stay confident. Stay steadfast.


Aleta Kaylee

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