Tuesday, March 21, 2017

High Tea and the Izaak Walton Lodge

Yours truly and Krystle
Last week was my best friend’s Spring Break (she’s a teacher at a local college). So, last Thursday, I left work early, and we headed out to Yankeetown. Now, truth be told, I never really thought there was much of anything in Yankeetown.

Last year, Krystle went on vacation to Scotland with her husband, John. While over there, at one of the bed and breakfasts, she joined in on High Tea. Later, she mentioned that she hadn’t been able to fully appreciate it while over there, as she had been battling a nasty cold; she had wanted to do High Tea again sometime.

A few weeks ago, she was flipping through the paper and saw that they had a blurb about having High Tea every Thursday at 3 p.m. at the Riverside Inn at the Izaak Walton Lodge in Yankeetown. We decided to take part during her Spring Break.

Riverside Inn at the Izaak Walton Lodge
I’ll be honest, I went in not knowing what to expect. I expected to walk in to a room full of hoity-toity women, all gussied up. My ignorance about hot tea would make me stick out like a sore thumb. Well, y’all, nothing could have been farther from the truth.

I think that most Thursdays it’s much busier than it was the day we went, (as they were expecting another two tables to show up) but it wound up only being Krystle and I, and another small table of ladies. The hostess was so very gracious. You were able to choose from the black tea that she was serving, or you could choose from the assortment in a dish on your table. Krystle chose a pomegranate green tea, and I chose the Perfect Peach tea.

Next, they served little sandwiches: egg, chicken salad, and cucumber. I tried the chicken salad and the cucumber, and both were delicious. Then, they served orange/cranberry scones, with little dishes of strawberry jam, lemon curd, and Devonshire cream. Y’all, if nothing else, the scones made the trip. They were wonderful!

Withlacoochee River
Overall, High Tea made for the nicest little outing for Krystle and I. The Izaak Walton Lodge, overlooking the Withlacoochee River, is the perfect setting for High Tea. The hostess was so very sweet, the tea was wonderful, and the food was delicious. I would highly recommend checking it out.

As we left, and drove down Riverside Drive (as the hostess had suggested), I had a newfound appreciation for Yankeetown.

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