Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sunday Obsession: Pewter

Aunt Angie's Pewter Pitcher that started my love of pewter.
In our early twenties, my best friend, Krystle, and I were testing our entrepreneurial spirit and started looking into catering. Honestly, the idea of being our own bosses was the main motivation for such a venture. However, one heel spur and one extremely long day in the kitchen later (imagine me draped over the couch, with the back of my hand to my forehead in all Scarlet O’ Hara fashion), and we were out of the catering business. 

We did learn two things that night: First, we learned that we were not cut out for catering. Secondly, we learned the importance of a pewter pitcher. Y’all, we filled that pitcher with ice water at about 5 p.m. and it still had ice at around 9 p.m. 

That same year, I went a little nuts on Craig’s List and wound up purchasing several pewter pieces.  Several platters, plates, etc.

This week, I dedicate my Sunday Obsession to pewter...I love it.

Unfortunately, I am still missing a pewter pitcher. But I will admit, I’m a bit picky. I want it to be simple, and have a good weight to it. So, I’m holding out until I find one that is just right. I am sure that I will stumble across the perfect one someday. 

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