Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday Blessings

Lanie and Yours Truly
I saw a meme tonight that was nothing if not true for me right now. It said "It feels like January 74th." Lord, y'all…I try to be an optimist…but January has about done me in. Here is PRAYING February goes a little smoother.

Last week was a little rough. It was one of those weeks when you're mentally drained by like 3 p.m. on Tuesday…and you're just like "I. Just. Can't."

BUT…in an effort to glean something good from even a meh situation, I will say that I had two positives come out of the week. 1. We FINALLY got to celebrate KW's birthday. We ventured off to Cedar Key for her (oh-so-belated) birthday dinner. We were so busy catching up, as per our norm, we forgot to snap a photo. And 2. I got to hang out with this chick on Saturday night. I swear, we work literally walking distance from each other, but sometimes we go weeks without seeing each other.

So, despite a crappy week, I am reminded of my blessings. I have such wonderful friends. I have people in my life that just GET me. I have an incredible support system around me. I am so incredibly blessed.

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