Thursday, January 18, 2018

365 days!

So y'all…yesterday was monumental. Yesterday marked 365 days that I had posted in a row. Three hundred and sixty-five DAYS.

This may not seem like much to some. But for me? It is quite the feat. As I've said a million times…I struggle with commitment. I struggle with sticking with things. Hell, I broke my New Year's Resolution on January 5th (and the three packages I received in the mail yesterday were evidence). And despite my struggle with follow through, I have stuck with blogging--every single day--for a whole year. That is huge for me. If anything, I have proven to myself that I can stick with something.

For those of you who read my blog…from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU. I have enjoyed this year of sharing my life with you. You guys have read about the good and the bad, the happy and the sad. I will be celebrating this weekend by sharing some of my favorite posts from this past year.

I want to post a few cool stats. In the past 365 days, I have had 63,391 views. I have readers from the US, Russia, South Korea, Portugal, France, the UK, Ireland, Japan, Brazil, and Germany.  How cool is that??!

Truthfully, I'm not sure what will come next for my blog. I'm not sure yet if I will continue to strive to post everyday…or if I will slow down a bit so that I'm able to dedicate a bit more time to my other writing. We shall see.

Stay tuned! 

I love y'all!


Aleta Kaylee

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