Tuesday, January 30, 2018

4-H County Events

This past Saturday, I was asked to help judge the Gilchrist County 4-H County Events. Now, there are very few events that I am willing to give up my Saturdays for… But 4-H? 4-H did so much for me growing up! I know I've mentioned this a million times, but it was 4-H that helped bring me out of my shell growing up. I was honored to be asked to help.

I was completely nostalgic walking into the Bell Elementary Cafeteria. I saw so many familiar faces. The room was buzzing with nerves and excitement, and kids in 4-H official dress. Oh, how I remember those days.

I was asked to judge the Share The Fun and Fashion Revue events. Because sewing and crafting is becoming a thing of the past in many ways, it is always a blessing to see children still wanting to learn! I was so proud of the girls that participated in that event.

And Share The Fun? I was wowed. There was so much talent!

I know that I was asked to help, but truthfully, I was the one that walked out of there blessed!

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