Monday, January 1, 2018

Mama Says Monday

I remember reading a story when I was about 10 years old. It was about New Years. The belief was that whatever you started doing on the morning of New Years, you would do all day long. This was a tale of two women. One woman had money, but was greedy and wanted more. The other woman was poor, but hardworking. The woman with money decided that she was going to count money on New Year’s Day. So she got up really early and decided that she would need some moneybags to put the money in. She began to sew moneybags. She sewed moneybags all day long and no matter how much she wanted to stop sewing, she couldn’t. The poor woman woke up and decided to straighten her sewing room by measuring and stacking her fabric. She measured and measured, and the fabric just kept stacking up. She measured fabric all day long. At the end of the day, one woman had sewn moneybags out of all the fabric in her house, using her clothes and any piece of fabric in her home. The other woman had so much fabric that she had to sell it to make room in her home. The one who had planned on counting money all day ended up penniless and the other ended up rich.

I don’t know why I remember this story, but it made a big impression on me then. Enjoy your day and be wise in what you do! Happy New Year!!

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