Monday, January 29, 2018

Mama Says: "It's The Simple Things In Life"

I’m not a complicated person really. I enjoy the simple things. A good book. Even better, free time to read that good book. I hate feeling guilty about sitting reading that good book, when there’s housework or something else waiting to be done. Let me lay back in my recliner with my book, and no work waiting. But alas, this hardly ever happens (not the reading, but the no guilt part or the no work waiting.)

I enjoy a long walk on the beach. But make sure it’s early in the morning or late in the evening--when it’s not hot--so I won’t get sunburned. ( oh lordy, I’m beginning to sound like I’m completing an application on

I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I enjoy my kids. They are some of my favorite people. I enjoy spending time with my mother-in-law, talking about the old days, her childhood, and old Cedar Key. I love spending time with my aunt, my mother’s sister. I learn things about my mother’s family and the things of their childhood. 

Another simple pleasure, is sitting down with a large glass of diet coke, over crushed ice. Especially if I’m tired. It relaxes me. I guess, since I am actually a true southern girl…I should have said a glass of iced tea. But, while born and raised in the south, the truth is, I hate tea. (Probably due to the fact that my brother thought it would be fun to put hot sauce in my tea when I was eight or nine. Haven’t liked it since.) I’ll grab a diet coke every time. 
I don’t like roses, I love sunflowers. However, if you feel the need to give me roses…I like yellow, don’t give me red roses.

I don’t like diamonds, I love rubies. Rubies, not garnets. There is a difference!

At Valentines Day, you don’t have to buy me a big box of chocolates. I hate creamy fillings. Just give me a Snickers or PayDay bar.

It’s the simple things in life that make me happy. Like this weekend, I found a new cleaning product. Since I had to get a new well this past year, I have been dealing with iron stains. I have bought and used a lot of products, but they failed to live up to their claims. Bleach would help, but not completely remove them. Stain free fixtures!! I’m a happy girl!!

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