Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Farmer's Wife

Growing up, we’d have to go all the way to Gainesville for a gift. Now, look at all we have available locally. I love to shop local, if possible…because the money that we put into our local economy, directly HELPS our local economy.

My cousin, Tiffany Sache, is a bit like Wonder Woman. These days, she just seems to wear a ton of hats. She is a Farmer’s Wife (which, around this time of year has a whole lot of hats to wear in itself); she is the mama to three precious littles; and she now has her own little business. 

Now, I don’t know about y’all…but I’m a Southern woman through and through. Things are just better when they’re monogrammed. And y’all…she’s got the monogramming down pat. She also has made some of the cutest custom made t-shirts.

Y’all can find her on Facebook at “The Farmer’s Wife.”

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