Friday, May 19, 2017

Hot, Lusty Attraction

Attraction: the action or power of evoking interest, pleasure, or liking for someone or something.

No, this isn't anything sordid.  But the title's sensationalism drew you in, didn't it?  Lol.

I have been thinking about this post for a while now. Trying to put it in just the right words.

What attracts you to someone? Are you an eyes person? Completely captivated by some beautiful blue eyes? Or is it a voice that draws you in? A deep, Southern drawl has made many women go faint in the knees. Or, perhaps, a laugh? A deep, booming laugh that makes him shake from his nose to his toes? What draws you in?

I’ve never really had a “type.” Many of the men that I’ve found myself attracted to in the past have had dark hair and light eyes. But that's not always the case, either.  I've just found it to be a common factor.  I’ve been attracted to tall men, short men, chubby men, skinny men.

One true common factor for me is…the ability to make me laugh. If you can make me laugh, you stand an awesome chance with winning me over.

My first “love” (even as I type that, the cliché is making me want to vomit), had this mischievous smile. And Lord, whenever he was near, and he was smiling, it was absolutely impossible for me not to smile. That man had the ability to make me mad as fire, and then crack me up minutes later.

The other common factor is a big personality. I’m not quite sure if it’s because I, too, have a big personality or what…but that is something else that draws me in. The men who are outspoken, who entertain a crowd…those are the men that I am instantly attracted to.

So, I’m curious, y’all…what is it that draws you in?

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