Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month

May marks Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month.

Now, I will plead ignorance here. I knew that CF affected the lungs, but really had no further knowledge of the disease. Several years ago, while working in Trenton, I was told about an old coworker’s son being diagnosed with CF. Last year, an old high school friend’s daughter was diagnosed with CF. That is two families just in our little town, that even attend the same church, that have children with CF.

Knowing that CF Awareness Month was in May, I sought to bring some awareness to the disease by interviewing both families. In doing so, I feel as if my knowledge of CF has grown tremendously. I have a much better understanding of this disease and all that it affects.

Something to be noted, I was able to sit down with the Folds Family, so it will read more as one of my normal interviews.  The Douglas Family's interview was done through email.  I asked Jared and Kelly to answer these questions separately, and I combined them for the final draft. What is interesting is how similar their answers were in some spots.  You may also note that both the Douglas Family and Folds Family made some of the same points.  That was fascinating to me. 

I pray that one day a cure is found for CF, I was in awe of the medical advances that have been made!

I hope you will take the time to read the interviews over the next two days. Both are very unique stories. Afterwards, I hope that you will have increased your knowledge about CF.

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