Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Wedding Registries...I hate them

I’m fixin’ to delve into something that I know probably a lot of folks won’t agree with me on.  But, I hope you’ll hear me out….

I loathe a wedding registry.  In fact, chances are, if you send me an invitation to your bridal shower and/or wedding, I will not have spent one hot minute pouring over your registry. 

I’m of the old-school mindset, I suppose.  Where, if a person was having a problem figuring out what to get you, they would ask your mama.

Why do I have such disdain for a wedding registry?  Well, my hatred is really centered around the frivolity that I see on many registries.  You’re doing your guest bathroom in lavender?  That’s fine…that lets me know what color towels to buy.  Your kitchen theme is roosters?  That’s great, I know that I can get you a great kitchen item.  However, when a couple (probably laughably) puts a bathroom waste basket on their registry.  I don’t see the humor.  Frankly, if you’re asking guests to buy you a trash can, perhaps more time should have been put into preparing financially to join two lives.  You thought it was funny to put fly swatter on your registry?  I feel compelled to buy you that flyswatter…that and ONLY that.  Who’s laughing now? 

While I realize it might be fun to go around a store with one of those little gun things, selecting random items…it grates my nerves.

Also, is it necessary to put 5 bedding sets on your registry?  Are 5 bedding sets absolute necessity?  Really?

To me, it’s in very poor taste when you list the specific tv…or something specific or extravagant on your registry.  Take the TV for instance, if someone was willing to buy a TV for me, I wouldn’t so much care what brand it was…I would think “Hey, wow, that person bought me a TV.  How nice!”

The point of wedding gifts is to help set you up for your new life together, not to set you up for life.  The wedding registry has an air of expectation, moreso than appreciation. 

And sweet baby Jesus, even if a person doesn’t get you the exact brand/specific model/etc, let them know how much you appreciate it.  Don’t tell people what they can and can’t buy.  That’s 50 shades of tacky. 

I’ll end this with…just be tactful, y’all.  And make sure it’s in good taste if you should have one. 


  1. Couldn't have said it any better!

  2. I feel this way about baby registries. Sure, spend weeks pouring over the differences between this rocker or that one, but never consider reading a book on childbirth or taking a class to prepare you. Crazy.

    1. I can definitely see that too pal. I haven't really said much about baby registries, but I can see where you're coming from. I'll be honest, I would probably be the first to buy a childbirth book or sign myself up for a class. Lord knows, I don't know nothin' about birthin' no babies! And I'd like to be prepared! LOL.
