Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Thoughtful Tuesday

I don’t know if the rest of you struggle with this, but I have the hardest time saying “no.” I hate to feel as if I’ve let someone down in any way. I also hate saying goodbye or walking away from someone that I care about. I hate change…I hate being thrust into change.

I think, as women, it is engrained in us to put others ahead of ourselves and do our very best to make things work. I’ve put a lot of thought into this recently.

In speaking with a friend over a friendship that I’d recently had to walk away from, the comment was made, “Well, maybe one day you can talk it out and fix it.” At that very moment, I wanted to stomp my foot in a toddler-like fashion, with arms crossed over my chest, and loudly say “NO!” 

Y’all, sometimes it is OKAY to say NO. To walk away from something that no longer betters you. To separate yourself from that which drains you. It is OKAY!

Sometimes it is not simply about “giving up” on someone…sometimes it is about your well-being; knowing your worth; respecting yourself enough to know when it’s time to walk away.

That friend’s comment has left me unsettled. It didn’t bother me. It didn’t hurt me. But…I guess what I would like to say is this: I did not come to the decision to walk away from that person easily. It took every ounce of strength in me to walk away…Quite honestly, it broke my heart. Ultimately, I knew that it was the best decision for me.   

It’s okay to walk away from what is hurting you.

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