Friday, April 21, 2017

Fall-Out Friday

Have you had those weeks where you are just plum tuckered out? That’s where I am right now, y’all. I am just exhausted this week. I have literally had something going on every single day since last Friday. I have been out every night this week. Even though I try to be in bed at a reasonable hour, I am just plain ol’ TIRED.

Why on earth did we ever complain as young teenagers? Or pass up all of those naps as five year olds? We were in such a rush to be grown. And y’all…being an adult is hard work. I work 40 hours a week; try to spend enough time with family on my off hours; try to maintain my social life; try to blog; try to keep up with laundry; amongst several other things that I have forgotten in my sleep-deprived state today…and it still feels like things just seem to fall through the cracks at times. I am in awe of parents with young children…I have no idea how y’all keep yourselves afloat. Running back and forth from school events to church events to the ball field. I have no idea how you do it. Kudos!

Perhaps that should be my mid-April (instead of New Years) Resolution: Better time management. *Shrugs* Something to work towards, I suppose. 

As for right now, I have those Matlock episodes that I DVR’ed faintly beckoning to me…tempting me to become a sluggish couch potato and sleep my Saturday away. It will be fruitless, but perhaps I can get some rest this weekend. 

To those of you with slam-packed schedules this weekend, I applaud you.

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