Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Burnt To A Crisp

Y’all…I come to you today incredibly sore and burnt to a crisp.  I’m finding in this 30-something life of mine that I ain’t no spring chicken anymore.

Now one might ask how I came to be in the predicament that I have found myself in.  I would retort “the road to hell is paved in good intentions.”  Lol.  But seriously, I just plain overdid it.

I awoke yesterday with a bit of a wild hair.  Now, for those of you who know me well, you know that cleanin’ is not my strong suit.  Hear me when I say: “I HATE TO CLEAN.”  Nevertheless, the Sheffield abode has gotten rather messy, and there was nothing left to do than pull up my big girl panties and get it done. 

I swept and mopped the floors (Okay, okay, I swiffered). I cleaned the bathrooms.  I cleaned the floor in the outside room.  I washed my makeup brushes (which may not sound like much of a feat for men…but OMG, girls, can I get some sympathy here??).  I cleaned up the kitchen a smidge.  Beat the rugs out, and then washed them.  Washed a few loads of clothes.

But if that wasn’t enough…I decided to take a whack at our yard.  You see, we’ve been getting numerous Code Enforcement calls lately at work, and I’ll be honest here…it has had me thanking the good Lord that I’m surrounded by family here in Watsonville.  I have had plum nightmares of getting a code enforcement letter. 

Now, in all fairness here, Rheba’s devil dog Piper likes to “decorate” our yard with junk rather frequently.  So, I had to clean up her “pretties.”  I then loaded up old carpet, washed down our porches….  But the kicker was when I decided it would be a great idea to pull weeds around our chain link fence surrounding our pool.  That was the part that just did me in.  It took 2+ hours…in the mid-day sun.  I knew it had been a mistake upon walking back into the house at 3.  I could feel the heat radiating off of me. 

So here I sit…Lobster Red.  Completely exhausted.  But hey, I have a beautiful yard to show for my efforts.  Okay...If not beautiful...at least not Code Enforcement worthy. 

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