Friday, February 9, 2018

Romance At Its Finest

I wrote the other day about my disdain of Valentine’s Day, and my gag reflex at all grand gestures that it tends to bring.  But actually, I wanted to share with y’all one of the most romantic things I have read in a while.  I will get to that in just a second.

As a little girl, I had dreams of having a big, lavish wedding one day.  The fluffy, white, princess gown.  The handsome groom waiting for me at the altar.  My twenty-five bridesmaids (because who could ever choose?).  My ten-tiered cake.  All the bells and whistles.

Fast-forward to my early twenties when my mama, God bless her, said “Aleta, I know you…and I will pay good money if you will elope when the time comes.”  Don’t worry, it’s okay to laugh.  She knows how neurotic I can be.  I will fully admit that I would likely buckle under the pressure of planning a wedding. 

I can just see it now:  “Color choices?  Cake choices?  Do I plan it myself?  Do I get a wedding planner?  Do I want my photographer to do more candid shots?  Or the traditional staged photos?  I have a ridiculous amount of family…at what number do I draw the line?  Venues?  Do I do a full meal or just cake and punch?   What style dress would I want?  Vintage?  Modern?  Can I get that gown with a matching straight jacket?” 

Yep.  I would surely buckle. 

Here is what I know…I am incredibly indecisive…BUT I’m also a perfectionist, so every single detail would plague me.   I would want my friends and family to help, but then would go absolutely nuts because they weren’t doing things exactly how I had it in my head.  In that moment, I would become a fire-breathing bridezilla.  Chances are good that I wouldn’t be on speaking terms with 85% of my loved ones by the time my joyful day rolled around. 

This all being said:  In the event that I DO actually say “I do,” it will most likely be at a Courthouse or I will elope.

Back to the romantic thing that came across my newsfeed the other day.  It was an incredibly beautiful photo of a couple atop a parking garage.  The love was practically radiating off of them.  She was laughing, he was kissing her cheek.  It simply said: “A year ago today we went on our first date.  Today, we eloped.”   The extra special part was…her parents had eloped as well.   Now, I’m gonna tell y’all…It blessed my cynical heart. 

Congrats C & J!  I wish you a life filled with endless love and blessings.

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