Monday, February 5, 2018

Mama Says Monday: Pretty Ricky

January was a long month, a hard month.  A lot happened in the space of 31 days.
And boy, am I glad January is over.  However, when I think about it, that means that Christmas is just 10 ½ months away.  Geez!!
I’m hoping that February goes a lot smoother.  But I can’t say that it’s started out much better. On top of all the losses last month, one of our special kittens decided to hitch a ride under my car.  He fell out from under it about a mile and a half from home.  I heard him fall out, and saw in my rearview mirror that he darted for the fence.  I turned around as soon as I could and went back and started calling for him.  Unfortunately, I was calling the wrong kitten.  In my rearview mirror, the cat looked like our little striped kitty.  I later discovered that it was our black kitten.  All of our kittens are special.  It’s funny how they all have such wonderful personalities.  But Pretty Ricky probably had the most lovey of personalities.
We have been back to the area calling and calling for him.  It breaks my heart to think of him hungry, thirsty, scared, or possibly hurt.  We miss him.  I still drive slowly along that road, searching the road and the field by the road for him.  
The irony of this story?  I was never a cat lover.  Not really a dog lover either.  I just always tolerated dogs better.  But our cats have our hearts.  I’m beginning to believe something that I once heard.  There are no cat owners, just cats that own their humans.

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