Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Catching Up

Happy Halloween, y'all!!!

Hey guys!!!!   So I’ve been a big slacker. And I can’t really blame it on much of anything other than lack of discipline these past several months (most of this year). I’d put my writing down, and honestly, today is the first day I have sat in front of my laptop since my last post in February. That’s terrible. I’m going to try to do better.

I do have something special coming for you guys this month, though! I will post tomorrow about it! I can’t wait to share with y’all!

So, what have I been up to these past few months? (shrugs)...Work. Family time. Work. Family time. Sprinkle in a few outings with friends. Man, now that I think about it 32 is kind of finding me a bit boring. I WILL hopefully be posting about a few trips that I’ve made in the past few months, soon.

But for now, I’ll share another little project that I’ve been working on. I’ve compiled a few of my favorite photos and they are now for sale on Fine Art America. Here’s the link:

Y’all check them out!

And don’t forget to check back tomorrow for my big surprise!

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