Monday, January 20, 2020


Those closest to me know that I have an extremely difficult time processing emotions.  Which, is ironic, because I’m very much an empath.  I can feel other’s emotions...but when it comes to myself..I would much rather skip town than have to deal with or feel my own emotions.

This is precisely where I have found myself the past few weeks.  I know that I’m absolutely right in the place that I need to be.  Surrounded by the people that I need to be surrounded by.  But even as I sit typing this, I would be lying if I didn’t have an overwhelming urge to run away for a couple of weeks.  When things get real, I tend to run or withdraw.

You see, more than anything--in this very moment--I don’t want to fall or stumble.  I think that may be what scares me the most right now.

But here I sit, trying with all of my might.  And I hope that that counts for something in the long run.

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