Friday, December 6, 2019

Finding My Way Back

At times, I am so very thankful for photographs.  They offer an everlasting glimpse back at a single moment in time.

I could look at the photograph below and pick myself apart.  But honestly, this photograph marks a huge turning point in my life.  February 5, 2016. The very day that this was taken, my mom, sister, and I were having family photos taken by the wonderful Jennifer Lazos. We were in the midst of the photo shoot when I received a text that would send my life on a course for three years.  

I look back on this photo, at this girl, and many days I wish I could return--not to this moment--but to who I was at this very moment in time.  This girl was full of confidence, and sass, and zest.

While I’m not there yet, and while I can’t return to who I was in 2016, I am trying to become an improved version of myself that the 2016 version could be proud of.

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