Sunday, May 12, 2019

Catching up

I have stated this a’ many a’ time, and it still rings true. There are times when it seems so easy to pour my heart out for all the world to see. Then, there are times when I cling to my privacy tenaciously.  I think the latter is where I have found myself the past few weeks. Perhaps that is just the fine line that a writer teeters along.

For those of you who know the situation (if not, read the previous post)...know this...I am still unrepentant and unapologetic. I will not apologize for speaking MY opinion on MY page. No matter what consequence befell me. That being said...I had a comment made to me the other night that I would like to address. I made the statement “I should have known that all of my social media was being stalked...there had been clues.” The person then said “It’s social media.” Well, that’s very true. Completely. I don’t disagree. However, I don’t believe that any of us consider someone watching every single thing we post, trying to determine whether or not they can take offense or use it against you in any way. That part is eery and a bit creepy to me. Even still, it feels like a violation. I cannot believe that they are doing that of the other hundred employees, 24/7.  At the time, all of my social media sites were public, because I often promote my blog. Let me just say...if you go to any page looking to BE’re going to GET offended by something. That’s just a fact. 

I have also had people tell me, rather indifferently, "Leave it in the past and move on."  A little easier said than done.  It's a little hard to do when your character is being challenged.

I am trying to stifle my anger. I am trying to not let this make me bitter. That is never a person I want to be. I believe that what we put out into the world we get back. I have to believe that those that sought to harm me and challenge my character ultimately have to look at their own selves in the mirror, and they have to sleep at night knowing what they’ve done. As my mama has always said, “They’ll have to answer for that one day.”

I won’t lie. It’s been hard. I have not wanted to post. I have not wanted to talk to people. I haven’t wanted to go anywhere, really. I have wanted to withdraw and just be around a handful of people. And what I am most regretful about is the fact that I have kept my new coworkers at arms length. Not wanting to get too close. Frankly, that is just not like me. That is not my personality. That’s not who I am. And that’s something that I’m working on, and trying to change.

I want to take a minute and talk about all of my blessings.

I am in love with my new job. It is amazing to know what you will be facing day to day. It’s incredible to know that you are helping people and you are making a difference. I love my team, I love what I do, and I could not be happier in that aspect. I was even awarded Team Member of the month, which meant the world to me.

This has truly been a blessing in disguise.  As a dear friend put it...truly, my being fired was really just my liberation.

I have also been surrounded by people who are so supportive. I have even had multiple people reach out to me over social media and show me support. Of this, I am so appreciative and so thankful.

I am incredibly blessed and thankful for the new opportunities given to me. God is good!

P.S. I’m stocking up on my tie dye ;)

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